According to professor T.MDas of the University of Calcutta . A tree living for 50 years will generate $31,250 worth of oxygen , provide $62,000 worth of air pollution control, control soil erosion and increase soil fertility to the tune of $31,250 recycle $37,500 worth of water and provide a home for animals worth $31,250. this figure does not include the value of fruits, lumber or beauty derived from trees. just another sensible reason to take care of our environment and forests.
We need to educate human in this world, more less the new generations since the old generation have one way deteriorate what took billions of years to mature, environment annalist have predict that atomic bomb is even greater than climate change, since the research have proven that the impact are cause by the human activities which proliferate this result.
The earth our home as now or soon be a waste planet, why is that. many research for space exploration by know agency e.g Space X and more are spending billions of money searching for life on other planets, while we spend trillions destroying this one we live on.
My dreams is to achieve a world were planting of tree to help impact the life of people and also to add more life to the climate , this will help a long way for generations to generations , by the aim of planting tree that will return benefits to both party (Climate and Humans). what we put into the earth today will have a positive impact , in term of exchange of gases , plant need Co2 while animals need O2.
If plant seize to exit on earth , human and all life will also seize to exist , so i will appeal with all intellectual and humanist on earth to consider this words of my, the time to act is now by given life back to earth our home. we need to sow more seeds into the earth not into the banks, donate a penny to greenbenefitsfarm agenda
We need to educate human in this world, more less the new generations since the old generation have one way deteriorate what took billions of years to mature, environment annalist have predict that atomic bomb is even greater than climate change, since the research have proven that the impact are cause by the human activities which proliferate this result.
The earth our home as now or soon be a waste planet, why is that. many research for space exploration by know agency e.g Space X and more are spending billions of money searching for life on other planets, while we spend trillions destroying this one we live on.
My dreams is to achieve a world were planting of tree to help impact the life of people and also to add more life to the climate , this will help a long way for generations to generations , by the aim of planting tree that will return benefits to both party (Climate and Humans). what we put into the earth today will have a positive impact , in term of exchange of gases , plant need Co2 while animals need O2.
If plant seize to exit on earth , human and all life will also seize to exist , so i will appeal with all intellectual and humanist on earth to consider this words of my, the time to act is now by given life back to earth our home. we need to sow more seeds into the earth not into the banks, donate a penny to greenbenefitsfarm agenda